News Picture Service

Vchris Photo Agency

Vchris Photo Agency (VPA) is a division of Vchris Limited founded in April 2004, VPA offers functional solutions for pre-defined business processes, which were developed especially for the media industry. The images we provide are primarily of political and entertainment personalities from red carpet events to fashion catwalks that are in demand by the African media and publishing houses. We have the largest collection of African American super stars and political figures. We also provide images in our ‘black planet’ series. Our market is global. Our images are uniquely entertaining and serious.
 Please contact us by email at or call 44 208 205 2927 to inquires about our terms of business.
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Vchris Media

Vchris Media is the photo division of Vchris (Nig) Limited. They specialize in photo images for the media industry in Africa. Vchris Media is an independent photo agency bringing the talent of photographers to editorial & corporate clients in Africa for creative advertising projects and news reporting.

Vchris combines hi resolution images with personal attention to service & the latest digital tools. Professional picture users after world-class images are our best customers. Our website will allow you to search, choose & share images via light boxes. Image buyers can request price information via a link under each thumbnail. For account clients we will provide you with a username and password and set permission levels to allow you to view, edit & download certain images. 

Vchris Media plugs you into millions of the finest images & hundreds of professional photographers available for editorial & corporate assignments around the world for


 If we don't have it we'll know someone who does!

Vchris Media produces and distributes visual content of the highest quality to newspapers, magazines, other media, advertising agencies and corporations through our digital picture database. In addition to our own production we represent a number of world's leading picture agencies and photographers. Vchris Media is fully equipped to handle any special assignments in Nigeria, quickly and efficiently.

Vchris Digitization & Distribution Service

Digitization & Global online distribution service and Sale of PHOTO images

Global Image Distribution Service:

We have access to an existing network of over 60 agencies worldwide that we feeds images to via ftp on a daily basis. These images are made available to magazines, newspapers, advertisers, governments, publishers and schools in most countries in Europe (30 agencies) Middle East, Asia, Latin America and the USA.

Why Digitize the Past? Benefits

The aura of excitement that surrounds the new has created an implicit bias that favors digitization over a more conservative maintenance of physical historical artifacts. The global implication of remote access to images and archives that digitization makes possible online to a global audience has dramatically broadened the number of people who can research the past at will. This exciting prospect of universal, democratic access to our cultural heritage should always be encouraged. Nigerians both at home and abroad would ecstatically greet a fully digitized and searchable version of their country’s images.
Educators, scholars, and students may use or display digital images in connection with lectures or presentations in their fields, including uses at non-commercial professional development seminars, workshops, and conferences where educators meet to discuss issues relevant to their disciplines or present works they created for educational purposes in the course of research, study, or teaching.
The images will be made available for use in Publications of magazines, newspapers and websites. There will be guidelines for reproducing and publishing images in publications, including scholarly publications in print or digital form, for which permission is generally required. 
Physical retrieval and re-filing of photoprints are laborious and time-consuming. We know 95% of the collection does not have a reference copy and this makes access to the collection difficult. Film ages and degrades even in a climatically controlled environment. And with each recopying, the loss of fine detail and image information is inevitable. By digitizing the photograph collection, we not only provide a more user-friendly service but also address the issue of film deterioration and ensure that quality images are available not only to the local population but to the global audience as well.
Our Partner in Nigeria, Limpid Ventures has done business with organisations such as Globacom mobile, Celtel, Consolidated Breweries, Nigerian Breweries, Nigeria LNG, Shell, and Mobil amongst others. They also have business dealings with state governments of Ondo, Lagos, Oyo, Ogun, Kano and Borno states to mention a few.
Limpid Ventures Limited has offices in London, Lagos, Ibadan and Ijebu-ode   Nigeria
The value of digitization partnerships can transcend expanded access to individual images by offering new functionality, combinations, and collaborative possibilities. Several uses of a large aggregation of images seem particularly promising:

  • New ways of combining content. Books in digital form can be mixed and recombined in diverse ways. Allowing instructors to assemble and redistribute course readers (i.e., compilations of selected materials) is a very promising use for digital files, form a new work that highlights a particular art or science, or all the geographic locations mentioned 
  • Print-on-demand. New printing technologies have decreased the cost of printing images.
  •  Allow children to explore images more intuitively; and to allow connections over relatively low bandwidth networks to reach users in developing countries. Broad access and the ability to download public domain images will increase the reach of these devices.
  • Access to special collections. Though special collections are not included in most high-volume projects, the benefits of digitising rare images will lead to a growing number of projects in this area. Special collections are often difficult to share outside a given institution, but such collections can be of great relevance to widely dispersed researchers.
  • In addition to these uses, libraries, museums, and archive images stand to benefit from combining the output of digitization efforts.
  • By pooling the content, institutions can reduce costs and avoid duplication of effort. Access to pools of digitized images could effectively give every library, individual and corporate user access to an enormous collection.
  • Many libraries do not have the funds to build the technical infrastructure needed to support large digital collections. As a result, the libraries rely on their business partners, not just for digitization, but for access services as well. These access services need to address a range of technical challenges (e.g., stable URLs, analysis of usage patterns, access controls on copyrighted works). This is where we provide our expert service through our network of distribution agencies across N.America, Europe, Middle East and Asia.The balkanization of internal curatorial processes within many institutions—owing to a mix, perhaps, of corporate culture, resource constraints, separate specialties, and various personalities—often results in certain parts of an institution not knowing what another part of the institution is doing. Having a single point of collection, storeage and distribution point greatly relieves most of the constraints.
  • Technical barriers to achieving the full potential of image digitization are becoming more apparent. Scholars will increasingly wish to link to particular images within digital books.

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